Archive for the ‘world record’ Category

World’s Largest Rubber Band Ball

March 9, 2009

One more world’s largest for the day, now normally a large ball of rubber bands is not that fresh, but the thug who assembled the giant ball makes this ball worthy of our praise. Joel Waul built the 8,000 pound ball and looks like a real bad ass posing with it. More information on the world record ball here.

World Record Cigar

March 9, 2009

Everything is BIG today on Freshtoid, and this post is no exception. It is the world’s largest cigar, constructed in Brussels, Belgium and made from 9900 tobacco leaves. Not sure who is going to smoke it, but I hope it comes with a government warning.

World’s Largest Cheesecake

March 9, 2009

Some of our staffers at the office spend a lot of time on Perez Hilton, so I thought I would link this story to his story on the behemoth cake. Mexico may be in shambles and folding to drug cartels, but they can still bake one hell of a cheesecake. These chefs in Mexico City baked a cake that weighed in at 2 tons and served up 20,000 slices for the locals. They earned a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records and plenty of leftovers for the next few weeks.

Giant Sting Ray

February 26, 2009

That is one big sting ray. 771 pounds of world record glory, smashing the previous world record live rod and line catch of a 650-pound catfish. More on the capture of this beast here.