Archive for the ‘winter’ Category

Cool Toilet In Nagano, Japan

March 14, 2009

We love a good toilet here at Freshtoid. This fresh throne comes straight from a ski resort in Nagano, Japan. Do your thang, while prepping for the next Winter Olympics fresh heads.


January 21, 2009

Winter X Games start this Thursday. If you are in Aspen make sure you catch Hannah Teter and Shaun White tearing it up on the snowboard. We are old enough here at Freshtoid to remember the ‘inaugural’ games back when Johnny Mosley was king and snow shovel riding was a sport. Look for big things out of this year’s games. Event schedule and more information available here.

Uniqlo Heat Tech

January 1, 2009

It seems like all of the best stuff comes from Japan; Ninetendo, Sony, Sushi…and now the new Uniqlo Heat Tech clothing line. It can get awfully cold in Japan, just as it can in many regions throughout the US of A, and this new fabric will heat you up even the coldest of temps. The fabric is made from a mixture of rayon and milk protein that traps moisture and uses it to actually retain heat. It may be a little late for Christmas gifts, but this fresh line of clothing is worth an investment as winter starts to set in.

Porsche Design Sled

December 31, 2008

The title says it all.  This super clean, super fresh sled is designed by Porsche. This aluminum sled offers a super smooth ride and can hold up to 220 pounds.  No dogs necessary.

For more info or to purchase this sled click here.