Archive for the ‘top 5 eco-friendly gifts’ Category

Top 5 Eco-Friendly Gifts

December 22, 2008

Everyone has that certain person in their life who just LOVES to do what they can for the environment. They eat the cereal with twigs in it, probably have multiple things made of hemp and use a lot of Tom’s of Maine brand toothpaste. Well this Christmas Freshtoid has your back because we can help you make that friend a little more fresh. We are not promising that they will take the dreds out and they will start to shower more frequently, but we guarantee they will not burn these gifts in a protest to the materialism of Christmas.

5. PCG1 Power Generator – Can’t get any more green than generating power by pulling on a string a few times. It is also sleek and compact.

4. World’s Largest Atlas – So using all that paper on an atlas might not be eco-friendly, but these friends usually like to travel and if worst comes to worst they can burn it for warmth

3. Log Bowls – They will feel just like Thoreau eating that cereal with twigs in it from these bowls created from Mother Nature’s own natural tree limbs

2. HydroPak Portable Power – Makes it all the way to number 2 because your friend can show the world how eco-friendly they are with this power generator that runs on distilled water

1. Rolls Royce Electric Phantom – The name says it all