Archive for the ‘toilet’ Category

Pressalit AutoClose Automatic Toilet Seat Cover

May 25, 2009

When it comes to toilets, Freshtoid ALWAYS has you covered. The Pressalit AutoClose automatic toilet seat cover has a sensor that that keeps the cover up when someone is doin’ their thang, and gently closes automatically when the deed is done. Hands free at its finest. Suck on that bluetooth ear piece.

Cool Toilet In Nagano, Japan

March 14, 2009

We love a good toilet here at Freshtoid. This fresh throne comes straight from a ski resort in Nagano, Japan. Do your thang, while prepping for the next Winter Olympics fresh heads.

Powerful Toilet

March 10, 2009

Inspired by yesterday’s pic of the week, we present the world’s most powerful toilet. The more you watch the more unbelievable it becomes…