Archive for the ‘soda’ Category

Mountain Dew Game Fuel

August 3, 2009

We love a good Mountain Dew around the Freshtoid offices, so when the mad scientists at the Pepsi Labs announced two new flavors, you knew we would be all over it. The two new flavors target the ‘gamer’ crowd with a World of War Craft theme and while we may not play the game, that doesn’t make the beverage any less delicious. The cherry dew actually tastes more like an orange gummi bear, but who doesn’t like gummi bears right? The blue fruit punch flavor does pack the same ‘punch’ if you will, but still should at least be sampled. We can’t wait to see what the geniuses at Pepsi will come out with next!

We registered for the prizes and will let you know if we win anything good. More information and register for free stuff of your own here.

Coca-Cola 100 Flavor Soda Fountain

August 31, 2008

Say goodbye to the boring six flavor soda fountain sweetheart, and say hello to the 100 flavor monster that Coca-Cola is creating.  The 100 flavor soda fountains are in their 2nd phase of testing and heading to test markets.  

For more on this creation click here.