Archive for the ‘science’ Category

Perseid Meteor Shower TONIGHT

August 13, 2009

Experts are saying that tonight will be your last chance to see the Perseid Meteor Shower at its peak. They also claim that this year’s show is extra special due to the one time only boost from Saturn. The full story can be found here.

What are you waiting for? GO WATCH THE PERSEID METEOR SHOWER!


November 15, 2008

A quick rule of thumb, if its on Oprah, it’s usually fresh.  With this, we present the 2008 Time Magazine’s Invention of the Year, the 23andMe genetics kit. What makes this thing fresh is its simplistic procedure that turns into GROUNDBREAKING information.  

You simply order the kit, spit into the provided tube, send the tube into CLIA lab for testing, after 4-6 weeks you can start exploring your own genome online.  Bada bing bada boom. This kit provides information on how your genes influence your health and traits.  It also shows maternal and paternal lineage, ancestry painting, and much more.
To order your own kit click here.

Popular Science – Best Of What’s New 2008

November 9, 2008

Yesterday, Popular Science announced their list of Best of What’s New 2008.  The 100 item list is divided into categories including Automotive, Aviation and Space, Computing, Engineering, Gadgets, Green Tech, Home Entertainment, Home Tech, Health, Recreation, and Security.

Click here to see the full list.

Bringing Back the Mammoth???

November 4, 2008

Some crazy mad scientists in Japan have cloned a mouse that was frozen in ice for 16 years…next up the Woolly Mammoth. More on the story here, hopefully when the mammoth is born he is as nice as Manny was or else we could all be in for some trouble.