Archive for the ‘pineapple’ Category

Top 5 Food Gifts

December 30, 2008

LATE ADDITION TO OUR GIFT LIST! For those of you still looking for gifts, we got this simple (and delicious list for you all). We have had a lot of food posted on Freshtoid over the past year and it was difficult to narrow it down, but there were definitely some that rose to the top and others not so much (snakes in coconut sauce.) So for that friend who loves nothing more than to dive face-first in the Christmas fudge or if this guy is on your list, we present the Top 5 Food Gifts of 2008:

5. Hershey Mint Truffle Kisses – If they are good enough for for the reception desk at Freshtoid, they are good enough for anyone on your list…enjoy.

4. Tic Tac Chill – The packaging alone got these gems on the list, plus after all that Christmas food you will be glad you got your friend these.

3. Kraft Pineapple Cream Cheese – Spread some love

2. Camera Lens Coffee Mug – You may not be able to eat it, but your friend will be looking fresh filling this mug with the liquid of their choice

1. Simply Orange with Pineapple – If your friend does not jump for joy when they get this gift, you may want to reevaluate your friendship

Honorable Mention: Team Snacks – With bowl season right around the corner, we had to make sure you did not forget these

Kraft Pineapple Cream Cheese

November 16, 2008

Freshtoid has figured out the recipe for success.  Simply add pineapple to anything and you’re golden.  

Kraft has followed our one step plan and have created a delicious pineapple cream cheese.  This item is a must have and can be found at your local grocery store.


October 10, 2008

Coca-Cola is far away the winner in the cola wars, and it is because of innovations such as this that you can always find a Coke in the Freshtoid Fridge (possibly in a fridge and on my desk at the same time.) Coca-Cola, the makers of Simply Orange, the best orange juice available, has announced a new flavor featuring everyone’s favorite fruit…pineapple. Freshtoid LOVES pineapples and is eagerly awaiting this product’s appearance in our local grocer’s refrigerator section.