Archive for the ‘nintendo’ Category

Wii Wish You A Merry Christmas Kid

January 4, 2009

This family gets a Nintendo Wii for Christmas. Can you guess which child is the most excited?

Ninetendo DSI

October 4, 2008

For those of you waiting for the next wii, you might as well just jump on with the new Ninetendo DSi instead. This hand-held console goes on sale in Japan in November and will be seen in America and Europe in Spring 2009. The new DSi can take pictures, play music and will have a new series of games available. Unfortunately, it will no longer play original GameBoy games like the DS did in 2006. As to whether the new device can steal some of Apple’s marketshare…Freshtoid is a little skeptical. For more info on the DSi and other reviews click here.

Wario Land: Shake It! YouTube Ad

October 1, 2008

Innovative ads seem to be the trend here at Freshtoid as of late and this entry is no exception. 

For the new Wii game, Wario Land: Shake it!, some GENIUS created this rad viral campaign on YouTube.  Nintendo took a simple concept from the game and turned into a fresh marketing scheme. 
Forget the screenshots, click here to watch the ad.

Wii HD – 2011

October 1, 2008

Forget the mind controlled Wii, reports are surfacing that by 2011 a next gen Wii will arrive with new hardware and HD visuals!  

According to reports, Nintendo is already previewing the early stages of the new system to the gaming community.

Click here to read the full story.