Archive for the ‘new animals’ Category

Pink Dolphin in Louisiana

March 3, 2009

Hello Kitty fans rejoice! The world’s only pink Bottlenose dolphin was discovered in Louisiana, USA.  For more details and a full story on our favorite pink dolphin click here.

New Species Found in Colombia

February 4, 2009

A while ago we posted when they found hundreds of new species off the coast of Australia, today we present even more new species, although these ones are a lot cooler because they are frogs and amphibians in Colombia. As Jose Vicente Rodriguez-Mahecha (hopefully when he gets married his wife does not make him hyphenate that again) said, “this region is a true Noah’s Ark.” More information on the amazing discovery here.

Hundreds of New Species in Australia Oceans

October 8, 2008

New Species on Australian Reefs from NTDTV on Vimeo.
We can put man on the moon, we can have a power pack fueled by water and make CREEPY robots of Japanese minors, but we are still discovering new forms of life on this planet. They are miles below the surface in canyons and extinct volcanoes, but a recent expedition into ocean south of Australia found hundreds of new species. Unfortunately, Big Foot was not found on this expedition to the deeps, but hopes remain high for him to be found on the next terrestrial mission.