Archive for the ‘mp3’ Category

ipod shuffle

March 11, 2009

It is smaller than its ancestors, holds more songs than previous shuffles, allows users to include multiple playlists and IT TALKS TO YOU. At the push of a button, it lets you know the song and artist playing and even the name of the playlist. Most importantly though, the first ever talking music player does not break the wallet and can be yours for a cool $79. More information and ways to order here.

Lego Gadgets

March 6, 2009

Lego’s are fresh, but put them together with a sweet gadget and you have a great combination. We all know the familiar building blocks, but now you can listening to music with your Legos and even have you Lego alarm clock wake you up. Other products in the Lego line will include a camera and walkie-talkie, more information here.