Archive for the ‘keyboards’ Category

Thanko USB Cooler Keyboard

March 23, 2009

Wrists getting sweaty while you type? Getting splinters from your scrabble keyboard? Stay Fresh with the Thanko USB Cooler Keyboard. Retailing at just under $80, its got built in AC to keep those slippery wrists cool and dry.

Homemade Scrabble Keyboard

January 20, 2009

We are showing wooden gadgets much love as of late. This keyboard uses brushed aluminum, wood, and real scrabble pieces to create one the the freshest keyboards on the block.  

For more pics and ordering info click here.

Vax77 Foldable Keyboard

December 31, 2008

The Vax77 76 Key Keyboard can be folded into half and only take up 23.3″ of space. That is small enough to fit in the front seat of a car and even the over head compartment in an airplane. The keyboard has a ton of extra features including a 3.5 inch LCD display, and MIDI in and out connections.

For more on the Vax77 click here.