Archive for the ‘japanese’ Category

Cool Toilet In Nagano, Japan

March 14, 2009

We love a good toilet here at Freshtoid. This fresh throne comes straight from a ski resort in Nagano, Japan. Do your thang, while prepping for the next Winter Olympics fresh heads.

Robotic Actors in Japan

November 29, 2008

Nothing says Happy Thanksgiving like a good robot story. To celebrate Japan is putting on a performance that features robots intereacting with live actors on stage…Burt Reynolds might want to pay attention because I hear they are working a version for Smokey and the Bandit. More on the story and a clip of the show here.

Japanese Human Robot

October 7, 2008

While the robot in the video may appear to be human, in reality, it is just the most advanced robot to date. This may be the beginning of the Rise of the Machines…or perhaps the age of the Jetson’s has finally arrived. For more details on the new robot click here.