Archive for the ‘iPhone’ Category

Amazon Kindle For iPhone and iPod Touch

March 6, 2009

Kindle for the Apple iPhone allows iPhone and iPod touch owners to read Kindle books using a simple, easy to use interface.

With Kindle for the iPhone, users can read first chapters of any book for free before downloading. Users can also download Kindle books they already for free, they are automatically backed up on Amazon.

Kindle for the iPhone is available in the iTunes store now.

Super iPhone

January 20, 2009

Pure conjecture, but we love to speculate here at Freshtoid and many of the times we tend to be right. So after reading this post over at macobservor, we are thinking about the next BIG thing from apple. They are saying it could be a 5-8 inch iphone with dimples so that you can feel buttons and a 16×9 format screen. Note: picture is not example of product.

Magnetic Lenses For Cell Phone Cameras

December 30, 2008

These magnetic lenses for cell phone cameras are easy to use, and come in wide-angle, fisheye, and 2x telephoto lenses. These work with many cell phones including the iPhone and G1. For under $20, these lenses are worth it.

To purchase the cell phone camera magnetic lenses click here

iphone coffee table

December 9, 2008

So maybe the iphone is a little out of your budget…I bet this sweet coffee table is not. And as a bonus the icons pop out and can be used as coasters!

Visual Dial App for iPhone

December 7, 2008

Visual Dial lets iPhone users place pictures of their friends on the iPhone’s home screen.  Once the user clicks the picture, it acts like a visual speed dial to the pictured person.

The app is still in the beta phase and  being reviewed by Apple.  Freshtoid will keep you updated.

Batmobile App for iPhone & iPod Touch

December 4, 2008

For 99 cents you can drive the Batmobile, using your iPhone or iPod Touch, through the Batcave and Gotham City’s streets and rooftops.

This fresh app is currently available in Apple’s App Store.

iPhones Twice As Reliable As Blackberries.

November 8, 2008

We don’t like to start fights (Freshtoid is most definitely a lover, not a fighter).  We just tell it how it is.  A new study shows that iPhones are TWICE as reliable as Blackberries.  You guys be the judge

Google Earth For The iPhone

October 27, 2008

Google has recently released an impressive Google Earth application for the iPhone and iTouch.  The application is free and available in 18 languages in the iTunes App Store.

 For more info and a video of the new Google Earth application click here.

Apple’s App Store

September 26, 2008

With all of Apple’s new ads promoting their wicked apps available for the iPhone and iPod touch, we here at freshtoid had to plug Apple’s App Store.

The App Store has some of the coolest little applications (duh) for your iPhone and iPod touch including ebay, facebook, pocket guitar, and iGolf.
For more info on the Apple App Store click here.

Apple’s New Mystery Product

July 23, 2008

Apple has always been known for keeping its products underwraps, but what is coming out this fall is almost unheard of. No one knows anything about it, but a company spokesman did say, “We will deliver state-of-the-art new products that our competitors just aren’t going to be able to match.” He went on to say that, “a future product transition, which I can’t discuss today” will be released before September and it is expected to change the way we perceive iPods, iPhones and Apple. Some speculate it is a device somewhere between a laptop and an iPod, whose arrival will signal a significant drop in the price of other Apple products, while other say it will simply be another version of their popular Notebook Laptops. Freshtoid will keep you posted. For the whole story (although we have delivered the substance of it to you here) click here.