Archive for the ‘iMac’ Category

Update on Apple Mystery Product…MacBook Touch?

July 28, 2008

It has not been confirmed but people have been talking (primarily spurred by Freshtoid’s lively discussion) about the product Apple mysteriously mentioned in a conference call last with reporters. Tablets in general tend not to be the most practical devices available, but then again Apple tends to have a way of reinventing products we think of arcane. Others are suggesting it could be a touch screen iMac; with its wide screen and high resolution, a hybrid device that you could use with both a keyboard or your fingers would definitely be fresh. We will continue to keep you updated on the latest about the new product, for more on the story, click here
The contest for guessing the product continues on this thread, with the prize being as big a mystery as the product itself. We can promise you one thing though, just as apple is not known to disappoint…neither is Freshtoid.