Archive for the ‘green’ Category


October 29, 2008

If you thought HydroPak was fresh, check out the HYmini. This one gives you options on how you want to recharge your gadgets. You can utilize wind technology while you ride your bike, let it get a tan with you in the sun or if you are in a hurry to pick up some extra power plug it into the wall or your computer. Any way you do it, you got a power source when you need one and can feel good about how you are getting it.

BMW Hydrogen 7

October 24, 2008

We don’t want to get any to excited or anything, but the first luxury car to be powered by hydrogen is probably going to be made by BMW. Two big (green) thumbs up for the new BMW Hydrogen 7.

Five FAST Electric Cars

October 16, 2008

We don’t usually get caught up in any type of hype, after all we start the trends here at Freshtoid. But these ‘Eco-Friendly,’ ‘Green,’ or ‘Natural’ cars, call them what you want, we call these cars FAST. The five freshest electric cars, some you will see soon, some we may never see in production.