Archive for the ‘fresh’ Category

Freshtoid Gets 6,000 Hits

August 19, 2009

We have just passed 6,000 views Fresh Heads. Thank you to all of the fans all over the world for reading. Truly, none of this is possible without you beautiful people. We owe you guys and gals everything. For Nick and I, this is a dream come true. We are shocked to see that anyone would want to read some of the crap we put on here. So again, thank you.

Here’s to 6,000 more… is born.

August 3, 2009

Yo Fresh Heads, BIG NEWS on the Freshtoid front. Freshtoid has moved from to Nick and I figured with over 5,000 views and handful of dedicated readers, you guys deserve something more official.

Don’t worry about forgetting our new web address, will automatically redirect you to our new home,

Be on the lookout for more updates Fresh Heads…

From Tragedy To Triumph.

July 23, 2009
Since the death of Michael Jackson, we have slacked. We felt very close to the King of Pop and we were unable to muster up the courage and strength to blog. We have given you few updates, and have definitely left you rotting, moldy, and/or spoiled (all opposites of fresh, get it?) We apologize to the Freshtoid fans, the fresh heads.

With that, we want to say that Freshtoid is indeed back and in full swing. In fact, your favorite blog will be better than ever, we promise. We love you fresh heads, don’t forget that. xoxoxo.


Freshtoid Facelift.

April 4, 2009

Sup Fresh Heads. Every month we are going to try and hit you with a new color for Freshtoid. If you want to see your favorite color or have any suggestions for our blog, please feel free to send us an email at

Thanko USB Cooler Keyboard

March 23, 2009

Wrists getting sweaty while you type? Getting splinters from your scrabble keyboard? Stay Fresh with the Thanko USB Cooler Keyboard. Retailing at just under $80, its got built in AC to keep those slippery wrists cool and dry.