Archive for the ‘ford’ Category

February 4, 2009

So I know everyone is down on domestic cars lately and in many ways we sympathize here at Freshtoid, but any car that we get for free is a winner in our book. Old Henry Ford is smiling down from the production line heaven as Ford gives away a brand new Ford Fusion every time a Ford racer wins a NASCAR race. Now we are not the biggest fans of NASCAR, but all you have to do is enter and you never know…the next winner could be YOU! More information and how to enter here.

Chevy’s ‘Manstep’ Ad

January 20, 2009

Auto sales is a cutthroat industry to be involved in, but without a little friendly competition, we would not have genius ads such as the one above. To stick it to your competitor, and turn what could be perceived as an advantage into an embarrassment, is what America is all about. More on the ongoing marketing battle between GM and Ford here.