Archive for the ‘coca cola’ Category

Coca-Cola’s new stevia sweetened drink

January 20, 2009

After this press release was published in mid-2008 announcing a study of the safety of stevia as low calorie sweetener, many speculated that it was a hint of future plans for Coke. Well it has now been confirmed that Coca-Cola Bottling Co. will be manufacturing a juice which will use the exotic South American plant as a replacement for sugar. The drink will first be released in Japan while awaiting clearance from the FDA to use stevia as a food additive. The cola war continues: Coke 1 Pepsi 0.

Full Throttle Quick Shot

November 15, 2008

Pepsi ain’t got nothing on Coke, especially when it comes to energy drinks. Coca Cola’s Full Throttle Energy will introduce Full Throttle Quick Shot in the coming months and if it is half as good as all other Coca-Cola products we will be extremely impressed. It will be a non-carbonated drink that contains 125 milligrams of caffeine, plus the other energy ingredients that make the brand so popular, such as taurine, B-vitamins, L-carnitine and inositol, as well as ginsing and guarana extracts. This stuff makes Pepsi Max look Sleepy Time Tea.


October 10, 2008

Coca-Cola is far away the winner in the cola wars, and it is because of innovations such as this that you can always find a Coke in the Freshtoid Fridge (possibly in a fridge and on my desk at the same time.) Coca-Cola, the makers of Simply Orange, the best orange juice available, has announced a new flavor featuring everyone’s favorite fruit…pineapple. Freshtoid LOVES pineapples and is eagerly awaiting this product’s appearance in our local grocer’s refrigerator section.

Coca-Cola 100 Flavor Soda Fountain

August 31, 2008

Say goodbye to the boring six flavor soda fountain sweetheart, and say hello to the 100 flavor monster that Coca-Cola is creating.  The 100 flavor soda fountains are in their 2nd phase of testing and heading to test markets.  

For more on this creation click here.