Archive for the ‘cell phones’ Category

Blackberry Tour

July 23, 2009

It has been quite around the Freshtoid offices as we mourned the King of Pop’s death, but it’s good to be back and I think Michael would have wanted this way. Something else Michael would have certainly wanted would be the new Blackberry Tour. It looks similar to the Bold, but it has slimmer profile and the highest quality screen on any Blackberry available. From what we have seen, the phone is much more compatible with all of those social networks that are so popular right now, but the internet browser just does not compare to other smart phones out there. They didn’t even offer wi-fi capabilities on it! You can read more about about freshest smart phone on the market from our partners over at Crackberry here.

Palm Pre

January 20, 2009

Palm Pilots used to be the Freshest smart phones on the market, but have slipped a little bit over the past few years as Apple and Blackberry take center stage. Palm is hoping to reverse that trend with its new smart phone, the Pre. The Pre will be sold exclusively through Sprint and is currently accepting ‘pre’ orders for the phone.

The Pre, which can connect to Wi-Fi networks, also features 8 gigabytes of storage, global positioning system software, a 3- megapixel camera with a flash, and a wireless charger, Palm said. We’re not expecting anything big, but then again most people that Apple was dead in the late 90s and look at them now. More information available here.

Blackberry Curve 8900

January 7, 2009

Another home run from Blackberry. It will only be available initially from T-Mobile, but chances are it will make the rounds just as the original Curve has. More details here.

Magnetic Lenses For Cell Phone Cameras

December 30, 2008

These magnetic lenses for cell phone cameras are easy to use, and come in wide-angle, fisheye, and 2x telephoto lenses. These work with many cell phones including the iPhone and G1. For under $20, these lenses are worth it.

To purchase the cell phone camera magnetic lenses click here

WATCH for this new video phone!

December 30, 2008

If you think you are James Bond, you might want to think about getting your hands on one these fresh phones. It blows the pants of the rotary dial cell phone and will allow its user to make video phone calls over wireless internet. It will be available next year in Europe, but keep your eye out for it in the U.S. soon also. More information on this fly phone from LG here.

Tag Heuer Meridiist

October 17, 2008

So maybe the rotary dial cell phone is not exactly your style, and the iphone and various blackberries are too main stream. You might want to consider the Tag Heuer Meridiist. The phone has been in the works for five years and its simple, yet sleek appearance and functionality is something to behold in today’s cell phone market. With several extras for your own customization, this phone starts out around $5000 and is due to be released this holiday season.

Blackberry Thunder=Storm

October 8, 2008

Recently we reviewed Blackberry’s first attempt at touch screen technology with the Thunder. We have just learned that name has been officially changed to Storm and will be released exclusively by Verizon. Details of the phone are slowly being released such as it being slightly heavier than the iphone; it will also include a video camera and the cut and paste technology that separates Blackberry from all other smart phones on the market today. Freshtoid will keep you updated with info as we hear, but this is definitely the front runner for phone of the year at this point.

Rotatry Dial Cell Phones

October 1, 2008

Ever wish you still had one of those mid-century rotary dial phones? Well thanks to the geniuses at SparkFun Electronics, not only can you have that phone, but it is a fully functional cell phone. Just insert your sim-card and turn it on. It rings, dials and functions just like one of the classics! If you thought the Zack Morris phones were a throw back, just wait until the chicks see you strolling down the street with one these…all for only $199.95