Archive for the ‘books’ Category

Where The Wild Things Are Trailer (HD)

March 28, 2009

It has arrived! The official trailer for one of the most celebrated children’s stories of all time, Where The Wild Things Are. Directed by Spike Jonze, this film is set to release on October 16, 2009. Get ready Fresh Heads, this is going to be WILD!

Amazon Kindle 2

February 10, 2009

Oprah loved it, we posted it. Now, we are proud to present the Kindle 2! It’s slimmer, lighter, easier to read, and has a 25% increase in battery life. Along with a ton of other improved features the Kindle 2 is set to release February 24, 2009.

To see more of the Kindle 2 including a video head over to Gizmodo.

Michael Jackson Autobiography

December 13, 2008

It’s not easy being the King.  In this terrible state of the economy, Michael Jackson is still trying to get that paper in creative ways

 A source has told Freshtoid that Michael Jackson has been meeting with New York publishers for his autobiography.  That’s right fresh heads, an MJ AUTOBIOGRAPHY.  
Nothing is set it stone YET.  We’ll keep the updates coming, and remember, you are not alone.

Kindle E-reader

November 22, 2008

We love books at Freshtoid, in fact we love them so much we wish we could carry thousands of pounds of books around at once so we could read any book we choose, however this would severely damage our social lives…and then came the Kindle E-reader available from It is razor thin and features a single screen where you can read your favorite book, newspapers and even magazines. It has no wires and connects directly to the internet where you can browse from hundred of thousands of options for your literary pleasure.

World’s Largest Atlas

October 16, 2008

Here at Freshtoid we believe in a couple of things.  

1) Pineapple and Pizza reign supreme.
2) Bigger is better (see below).
What has 576 pages, 154 maps, 800 photos, weighs 70lbs, and has a $3,500 price tag?
You got it!  The World’s Largest Atlas.  
According to CNN, the Atlas titled Earth will attract corporate buyers and wealthy individuals because of its gold leather, gold gilding, and gold plated corners.