Archive for the ‘Bigfoot’ Category


October 20, 2008

Remember last month when we thought Bigfoot was real? Neither do we because everyone knows Bigfoot is fake, the Yeti on the other hand is definitely real. The findings of foot prints by Japanese scientists confirms it…and they are not promising to take you to the location for a few hundred dollars. More information here.


August 15, 2008

Nothing is more fresh than a mystery finally coming to a conclusion, and this one is whopper. Two men have discovered a bigfoot den and retrieved a body. DNA testing is currently underway to determine if it is a new species. All you bigfoot haters out there need to find a new game, and don’t choose the Loch Ness because I got a feeling about that one too. For the rest of the story click here (I mean cnn published it, so it has to be true right?)