Archive for the ‘acting’ Category

Zack Morris on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon

June 20, 2009

Take a look at our man Mark Paul Gosselaar as Zack Morris on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. Thiiiis much closer to a Saved By The Bell Reunion!

81st Academy Awards Recap – Freshtoid Style

February 25, 2009

Just in case you were living under a rock and missed the Oscars, Freshtoid is hooking you up with a list of all the winners from the 81st Academy Awards.

We don’t need a pat on the back or anything , we just want you to know we knew the following winners months ago…

Robotic Actors in Japan

November 29, 2008

Nothing says Happy Thanksgiving like a good robot story. To celebrate Japan is putting on a performance that features robots intereacting with live actors on stage…Burt Reynolds might want to pay attention because I hear they are working a version for Smokey and the Bandit. More on the story and a clip of the show here.