Archive for the ‘3D’ Category

USC vs. Ohio State in 3D

August 25, 2009

According to our source at Pixar Animation, (and our recent Crayola post) 3D is undoubtedly the future of all media. We have already seen a few sports games broadcast in 3D including last year’s Chargers-Raiders game, but nothing as big as this year’s USC-Ohio State game (yes, we realize the BCS game was in 3D last year and we stand by the remark). The best part though is that the tickets to the event are FREE! You just have to know who to talk to, luckily USC beat writer Gary Klein came through in the clutch and you can get the times and locations here.

3-D Film About MJ’s Final Days

August 11, 2009

OCTOBER 30 – Mark your calendars, clear your schedules, don’t stop by the Freshtoid offices because we will not be around. You can find us watching Sony’s 3-D movie about Michael Jackson’s final days. Sources say that it will be directed by High School Musical’s Kenny Ortega. It will include much of the footage from Jackson’s concert rehearsals. Sorry to all the Freshheads over in Britain though, bring your fish and chips and Newcastle over across the pond because the movie won’t be released in Britain.

3D Sidewalk Chalk

March 23, 2009

If you thought you were hot stuff back in the day tagging your hood with sidewalk chalk, wait until you see the hoodrats doing hopscotch in 3D. With secret color combinations and those sweet 3D glasses, Crayola has created a 3D version of the popular childhood pastime. More information and how to order here.

NFL Games in 3D

November 24, 2008

You love watching sports in HD, well you just might be seeing in 3D in the not so distant future. This weekend’s Raiders/Chargers game will be broadcast LIVE in 3D to select theaters in Boston, New York and LA. But don’t go trying to find tickets, this is an invite only event to test the viability of the new technology. More information on the story here.

Star Wars 3D

July 27, 2008

According to our amigos at, George Lucas is planning on turning ALL SIX Star Wars films into a 3D extravaganza. It costs approximately $50,000 – $100,000 per minute to convert a movie from 2D to 3D.  We here at Freshtoid believe you are only as fresh, as the number of dimensions you can deliver.