Archive for February, 2009

Kanye West – VH1 Storytellers

February 28, 2009

VH1 TV Shows | Music Videos | Celebrity Photos | News & Gossip

Check out Kanye West tonight on VH1 Storytellers at 9pm EST.

President Obama Courtside

February 28, 2009

What do Jack Nicholson, Spike Lee, and Barack Obama have in common? All sit courtside at NBA games. BALLERS.

***Freshtoid Freebies*** Quaker Rice Cakes

February 28, 2009

Times are tough and Freshtoid loves you. Go get your FREE sample of Chocolate or Cheddar Cheese Quaker Rice Cakes now kids.

Click here to get your free sample.

Adolf Hitler – Original Emo Kid

February 28, 2009

Freshtoid presents The Original Emo Kid.

Giant Sting Ray

February 26, 2009

That is one big sting ray. 771 pounds of world record glory, smashing the previous world record live rod and line catch of a 650-pound catfish. More on the capture of this beast here.

Leather Cue Bench

February 25, 2009

You’re not a pool shark until you are chilling on this Leather Cue Bench while you wait for your shot. It hides away all of your billiard accessories and gives you a comfy place to rest those shooting wrists. Don’t blow all the money on the table though, housing your cues and balls in style will cost you a pretty $3,380.

81st Academy Awards Recap – Freshtoid Style

February 25, 2009

Just in case you were living under a rock and missed the Oscars, Freshtoid is hooking you up with a list of all the winners from the 81st Academy Awards.

We don’t need a pat on the back or anything , we just want you to know we knew the following winners months ago…

Orbitwheel Skates

February 24, 2009

Supposedly they are easier than rollerblading and skateboarding, but we have our doubts. They certainly do look fresh, and apparently just as Chubbs would say on Happy Gilmore, “It’s all in the hips.” At only $139.95, skip buying the new rollerblades and just get yourself a pair of Orbitwheels!

National Pancake Day

February 24, 2009

Happy National Pancake Day! Make sure you get to your local IHOP before 10:00 p.m. for FREE pancakes. They suggest a donation to Children’s Miracle Network, but in these tight economic times, you have to got to take what you can get. More information here.

Devin Harris Half Court Shot To Beat 76ers

February 24, 2009

This shot was amazing. Not only did Harris lose control of the ball, but he maintained his focus and launched a beauty from 43 feet away. Watch the magic in New Jersey.