Archive for November, 2008

Robotic Actors in Japan

November 29, 2008

Nothing says Happy Thanksgiving like a good robot story. To celebrate Japan is putting on a performance that features robots intereacting with live actors on stage…Burt Reynolds might want to pay attention because I hear they are working a version for Smokey and the Bandit. More on the story and a clip of the show here.

NFL Games in 3D

November 24, 2008

You love watching sports in HD, well you just might be seeing in 3D in the not so distant future. This weekend’s Raiders/Chargers game will be broadcast LIVE in 3D to select theaters in Boston, New York and LA. But don’t go trying to find tickets, this is an invite only event to test the viability of the new technology. More information on the story here.

Kanye West – 808s & Heartbreak Available Now

November 24, 2008

Kanye’s new album, 808s & Heartbreak, is finally here!  If you purchase your album from Apple’s iTunes Store, you will be treated with exclusive album art from famed street artist KAWS (seen above).

Freshtoid was given a copy of 808s & Heartbreak and we absolutely love this shiz.  The album shows Kanye’s versatility and takes music in a new direction.  Keep up the genius work Ye.

Log Bowls

November 24, 2008

Available in multiple colors and sizes, these Log Bowls are handcrafted and use a water-based furniture grade finish.

More info on the Log Bowls can be found here.

Bruce Lee Playing Ping Pong

November 24, 2008

This is a video promotion for the new Nokia N96 cell phone. 
Watch our man, Bruce “Fresh” Lee take some kids to school with his nunchucks.

Boom Bench

November 24, 2008

Designer Michael Schoner has created a bench that can play music from your mp3 player and mobile phone with the use of bluetooth technology.  It’s basically a large docking station/ghetto blaster that you can sit on.  

For more pics and a video of the Boom Bench in action click here.

Where are they now??

November 22, 2008

So what is the guy from Evolution of Dance up to? How about those guys from the crazy Mentos and Coke video? Or even Ask a Ninja? Thanks to our friends at PC World, the answers to these questions and others are revealed here.

PCG1 Power Generator

November 22, 2008

We have featured several generators here on Freshtoid, but this one might be the most efficient and frankly the the freshest. The PCG1 Power Generator is ergonomically designed and generates hours of power for your electronic device with just two minutes of pulling on the generator string. You also look a lot better than your friend who jumped the gun and bought the HydroPak.

Milwaukee M-Spector

November 22, 2008

This one is for our grease monkeys out there, the Milwaukee M-Spector. This unique tool allows its user to look into hard to reach places with an LED screen and 38″ of camera extension! Available at a special holiday price of $239.00.

Caroma Profile Smart Dual Flush Toilet

November 22, 2008

Ever wanted to wash your hands while you go number one? Well now you can with the Caroma Profile Smart Dual Flush Toilet, at least if you are a male. The ultimate water saving toilet, fills the toilet with the excess drainage from the sink!