Archive for August, 2008

Coca-Cola 100 Flavor Soda Fountain

August 31, 2008

Say goodbye to the boring six flavor soda fountain sweetheart, and say hello to the 100 flavor monster that Coca-Cola is creating.  The 100 flavor soda fountains are in their 2nd phase of testing and heading to test markets.  

For more on this creation click here.


August 31, 2008

Sooloos is a new music system that uses a touch screen.  Sooloos users can navigate through their entire digital music selection and play music by mood or genre. Fear not Apple fans, this system can also sync up with iPods.

The Unbreakable Umbrella

August 31, 2008

This umbrella is fresh for multiple reasons:

2. It was originally created for self-defense (it is currently used by Presidential security)
3. It triples as an umbrella, lethal weapon, and walking stick
For more info and video on this unbreakable/walking stick/AWESOME umbrella click here.

Swagger Like Us (S.L.U.) – Kanye West, Jay-Z, Lil Wayne, & T.I.

August 23, 2008

It’s simple.  Take the hottest MCs on the planet and put them on a track.  The end result: lower gas prices.  
The song “Swagger Like Us,” featuring Kanye West, Jay-Z, Lil Wayne, and T.I.  can be heard and downloaded here.
PS – thank you guys for Freshtoid’s OFFICIAL anthem. 

Gay Wedding Cards

August 21, 2008

I suppose the card will get more use than the Centurion Birthday Card I always see collecting dust in the bottom corner of the birthday rack. But Hallmark is probably going to raise a few more eye brows with these new controversial ‘gay wedding’ cards. For more information click here

Nike Burger – Olle Hemmendorff

August 21, 2008

Designer and illustrator Olle Hemmendorff created this little gem after being asked to interpret a Nike sportswear icon.  He along, with seven other artists created the “Nike Burger,” which depicts the Nike Air Max 90 shoe. Created with hamburger fixings, this artwork is giving sneaker heads quite the appetite.  

Sensacell Footprints

August 21, 2008

The Sensacell Corporation has created a flooring system that reacts to your feet.  This system uses LED lighting to create fresh, luminous footsteps.  MJ fans, rejoice. Billie Jean IS your lover. 

Full story and video here.

Good News for Snowboarders

August 19, 2008

Mt Ruapehu is claiming the biggest snow base ever recorded for a New Zealand skifield with over 4.5m of snow on the ground. If this trend continues on the other hemisphere of the globe, we could all be in for a great snow season. Keep your fingers crossed and I guess all you global warnings folks will have to find something else to complain about this winter. For more info on Mt Raupehu’s big load of snow and other resorts already feeling the chill of winter click here


August 15, 2008

Nothing is more fresh than a mystery finally coming to a conclusion, and this one is whopper. Two men have discovered a bigfoot den and retrieved a body. DNA testing is currently underway to determine if it is a new species. All you bigfoot haters out there need to find a new game, and don’t choose the Loch Ness because I got a feeling about that one too. For the rest of the story click here (I mean cnn published it, so it has to be true right?)

New Latarian Interview

August 11, 2008

A new interview has surfaced featuring Freshtoid’s favorite 7-year-old, Latarian Milton. This one features the juvenile in an interview shortly after his initial incident with the car, it has old footage with some new footage mixed in. Freshtoid loves the backward hat and how he conducts the interview while filling ice trays. In other Latarian news, Freshtoid has learned the Freshest 7-year-old on the block will be a guest on Judge Judy this fall. Freshtoid will keep you updated as this story continues to develop.