Archive for July, 2008

Update: Beijing Air Worstens as Olympics Draw Near

July 28, 2008

Two weeks ago Freshtoid let you know how bad the air was in Beijing, the host of the 2008 Olympics. Well apparently, the problem is getting worse before it gets better. Despite measures to curtail pollution, with 11 days before the games begin, visibility is down to a 1/2 mile; the worst it has been in over a month. China will now impose stricter regulations on traffic and close down additional factories in order to combat the smog. Officials also say that if the smog continues certain events will even be postponed. Freshtoid is going to go out on a limb though and predict that there will not be a world record in the marathon this year. For the rest of the story click here.

July 28, 2008

For all you Google-haters out there, Freshtoid has got a fresh alternative for you (pronounced cool). was developed by former employees of Google, who became disenfranchised by Google’s unwillingness to alter its search style. claims to search 120 billion web pages, but there is really no way to know if this is more or less than Google because Google will not release their specific numbers. Freshtoid was one of the first on the scene and frankly am not impressed with the search capability, a basic search of a slightly ‘off the beaten path’ search topic returned no results…and this individual knew that there indeed were multiple websites on the topic. After searching a more mainstream topic though, the user interface is very much so an upgrade from Google. Rather than just a list of 10 search results…UPDATE: just tried to refresh myself on what the results page looks like and came up with an error message, “Due to overwhelming interest, our Cuil servers are running a bit hot right now. The search engine is momentarily unavailable as we add more capacity.” just went live today and Freshtoid was indeed among the first to search. They are working out the bugs, but if anyone can combat the behemoth Google, it will be some former Googlers with an ax to grind. For more of the story click here.

Update on Apple Mystery Product…MacBook Touch?

July 28, 2008

It has not been confirmed but people have been talking (primarily spurred by Freshtoid’s lively discussion) about the product Apple mysteriously mentioned in a conference call last with reporters. Tablets in general tend not to be the most practical devices available, but then again Apple tends to have a way of reinventing products we think of arcane. Others are suggesting it could be a touch screen iMac; with its wide screen and high resolution, a hybrid device that you could use with both a keyboard or your fingers would definitely be fresh. We will continue to keep you updated on the latest about the new product, for more on the story, click here
The contest for guessing the product continues on this thread, with the prize being as big a mystery as the product itself. We can promise you one thing though, just as apple is not known to disappoint…neither is Freshtoid.

New NBA Team Name

July 28, 2008

Well the patent has officially been filed for the name of the team formerly known as the Supersonics; Freshtoid has scooped the info and here are the options for Oklahoma City’s new team…Barons, Bison, Energy, Marshalls, Thunder and Wind. Curiously though, the NBA misspelled Marshalls because it is normally spelled with only one ‘l.’ We will open the forum for votes about which one will win, but Freshtoid will be pulling for Barons, with the hopes of the official vehicle being the Chrysler LeBaron.

Back To The Future Hoverboard For Sale

July 27, 2008

This might be your lucky day fresh heads.  You now have the chance to own a piece of history.  The one and only Hoverboard from the Back to the Future series is for sale!  All you need is 30Gs (and counting) and an ebay account. 

Marty McFly = Marty McFresh.

Shop victoriously here.

Star Wars 3D

July 27, 2008

According to our amigos at, George Lucas is planning on turning ALL SIX Star Wars films into a 3D extravaganza. It costs approximately $50,000 – $100,000 per minute to convert a movie from 2D to 3D.  We here at Freshtoid believe you are only as fresh, as the number of dimensions you can deliver.  

Dr. Dre Headphones – Beats by Dr. Dre

July 25, 2008

Beats by Dr. Dre claim to be the most advanced headphones ever created.  Available starting today at Best Buy and Apple, these headphones retail for $350.  Coming straight outta Compton and all, these things are guaranteed to be fresh, or gang affiliated.

Click here for the Beats by Dr. Dre Official Site 

Google Maps – Walking Directions

July 25, 2008

Surprise!  Google does it… again.  Google Maps offers directions for driving, public transit, and now, WALKING!  That’s right, step by step walking directions from point A to point B.  While still in Beta testing, this application should be very promising.  For the full story click (or walk) here.

Facebook Connect

July 24, 2008

Basically, Mark Zuckerberg sold out when he expanded Facebook to let anyone not in college on and now he wants to own you. Freshtoid’s staff is off social networks and recommend you all consider the same. Facebook Connect intends to connect your Facebook information with many of your other online activities and Zuckerberg claims, “this is only the beginning…” If this is the beginning, Freshtoid does not want to be a part of the end. For the rest of the story click here.

Apple’s New Mystery Product

July 23, 2008

Apple has always been known for keeping its products underwraps, but what is coming out this fall is almost unheard of. No one knows anything about it, but a company spokesman did say, “We will deliver state-of-the-art new products that our competitors just aren’t going to be able to match.” He went on to say that, “a future product transition, which I can’t discuss today” will be released before September and it is expected to change the way we perceive iPods, iPhones and Apple. Some speculate it is a device somewhere between a laptop and an iPod, whose arrival will signal a significant drop in the price of other Apple products, while other say it will simply be another version of their popular Notebook Laptops. Freshtoid will keep you posted. For the whole story (although we have delivered the substance of it to you here) click here.